pre-Waltham 2000 home
Waltham 2000 registration form
(please send by 10 March 2000 deadline)
Registration Form for 2000 SCRABBLE® Players Escape Weekend (March 31 - April 2, 2000)
Please submit a separate form for each player. Be sure to enclose your check.
___ (Expert, $45) ___ (Intermediate, $40) ___ (Novice, $27)
___ (Newcomers, $12)
Commuter fee ___ $15 (more than 100 miles away, not staying at hotel)
Name_________________________________________ Phone (_______)____________________
Address _______________________________________ e-mail ____________________________
City/ State/Zip__________________________________ NSA Membership # __________________
I plan to room with________________________________________________________________
Find me a roommate, if possible: ___ nonsmoker ___ smoker ___ no preference
Mail to: Sherrie Saint John, 2 Tanglewood Road, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944
pre-Waltham 2000 home