BAT 2001 photos
Awards Ceremony 2
page eleven
Early bird prizewinners: Ted Rosen (early bird hotel) and Jeannie Wilson (early bird non-hotel).
Robin Pollock Daniel won an OSWI (the Official SCRABBLE Words International Edition) dictionary
for her play of JAROSITE. Bob Felt also won one for his play of CROQUETS.
Ellen Leonard, Kathy & Chris Cree, Jan Dixon, and Paul Avrin.
After awarding him the Premier prize & plaque, John Chew and Sherrie Saint John listen to Joe's
acceptance speech.
Amber Edley shows off her dad's plaque.
Tournament winners: Claire Slater (Division D), Pat Gehrmann (Division C), Stephen Haraske (Division B),
Amit Chakrabarti (Division A), and Joe Edley (Premier).