BAT 2001 home

The 20th Annual
Boston-Area Scrabble® Tournament
15 Rounds--20-22 April, 2001
Wakefield, Massachusetts
Online Entry Form

Tournament registrations must be postmarked by 6 April 2001. NO walk-ins.

To enter, print and complete this form, and mail with check or money order for all applicable fees to:
Sherrie Saint John, 2 Tanglewood Road, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Online Entry Form for the 2001 Boston-Area Scrabble® Tournament, 20-22 April 2001.

Entry Fee
_____ $75 Premier   _____ $60 Division A   _____ $50 Division B  
_____ $50 Division C   _____ $50 Division D   _____ $20 Newcomers  
Hotel/Commuter Fee                  
_____ $175 pp/double  _____ $300 single  _____ $133 pp/triple  _____ $112 pp/quad 
_____ $10 commuter (all non-hotel attendees must pay to defray playing room costs) 
________________________________________________________roommate name(s)
For $25, those not staying at the hotel can join us for the Saturday buffet dinner.
Check here _______ if interested and please include an additional $25 with the entry fee check.
                                                                                                                     TOTAL ENCLOSED $______

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