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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division A Round 15 Ranked Pairings

TableWho Plays Whom
1Chakrabarti, Amit (A19) *first* vs. Tangredi, Frank (A16) 2nd time
2Saengsit, Weera (A22) *draws* vs. Kaitz, Merrill (A13) 2nd time
3Anderson, Will (A1) *draws* vs. Buck, Richard (A5) 2nd time
4Sherman, Larry (A11) *draws* vs. Le, Cecilia (A14) 2nd time
5Cornelis, Lou (A4) *draws* vs. Keller, Jason (A18)
6Kitchen, Scott (A21) *draws* vs. Ryan, Jamie (A20) 2nd time
6Ellickson, Robert (A10) *draws* vs. Faria, Alyssa (A8)
7Saul, Steve (A17) *first* vs. Stegman, Debbie (A9)
7Wolfberg, Michael (A6) *first* vs. Lipkin, Seth (A3)
8Adams, Bruce (A7) *draws* vs. Schoneboom, Marjorie (A12)
8Linn, Robert (A2) *draws* vs. Fischer, Ryan (A15)

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