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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division A Tuff Luck

SumPlayerLosing Spreads
135Fischer, Ryan (A15)12 19 21 22 27 34
189Lipkin, Seth (A3)1 5 12 20 47 104
228Adams, Bruce (A7)2 15 23 50 57 81
228Wolfberg, Michael (A6)7 14 31 37 42 97
235Schoneboom, Marjorie (A12)18 37 40 44 44 52
280Linn, Robert (A2)27 27 34 41 60 91
287Stegman, Debbie (A9)9 24 39 43 72 100
313Keller, Jason (A18)17 29 34 58 80 95
387Buck, Richard (A5)4 21 47 66 110 139
458Anderson, Will (A1)10 19 25 26 182 196
504Faria, Alyssa (A8)30 52 76 85 86 175
523Saul, Steve (A17)54 65 80 90 113 121
551Kitchen, Scott (A21)21 71 82 92 136 149
557Le, Cecilia (A14)11 40 90 102 117 197
648Ryan, Jamie (A20)50 94 99 104 133 168
664Sherman, Larry (A11)4 64 100 102 135 259
739Ellickson, Robert (A10)19 25 148 159 173 215
915Cornelis, Lou (A4)22 42 83 221 268 279

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