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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 2 Scores

Dubach, Joev1365Rothbart, Sam24244121
Constantine, Brett3472Wittman, Dianne22336136
Gauthier, Helena4383Lutts, Tim2929885
Cohen, Jo Anne5475Oliva, Linda21337138
Burton, Lorraine6488McWilliams, Shae2340286
Konipol, Nancy8445McKinstry, Russell3037867
Fonti, Jim9398Giovinazzo, Linda2634850
Lezin, Katya10400Pitzer, Wilma2535347
Seetharam, Prashanth11457Wood, Betsey31282175
Mahnken, Denise15407Conti, Jane40291116
Morris, Justin17353Hunter, Pamela3929756
Davis, Thomas18459Russell, Stella3737980
Durant, Olivia19366Steenhuis, Quinten3231947
Rosenthal, Rob20463Prince, Jackie33234229
Kester, Barb27393Ubeika, Shelley736924
Niles, Jack28411Sinanan, Lilla239516
Thompson, Celia Dayrit34346Wancel, Linda133406
Gaudier, Deborah35364Mullholand, Kath1432935
Sharma, Puneet36399Finn, Marshall163972
Serino, Steve38418Spiller, Diana1237246

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