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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 7 Scores

Sinanan, Lilla2401Konipol, Nancy838912
Constantine, Brett3426Pitzer, Wilma25312114
Gauthier, Helena4429Lezin, Katya1037950
Cohen, Jo Anne5467Hunter, Pamela39350117
Fonti, Jim9372Rosenthal, Rob2034527
Seetharam, Prashanth11659Serino, Steve38212447
Wancel, Linda13466Ubeika, Shelley7320146
Mullholand, Kath14429Mahnken, Denise1536267
Finn, Marshall16366Conti, Jane4029670
Morris, Justin17389Kester, Barb2734742
Davis, Thomas18466Wittman, Dianne22357109
Oliva, Linda21354McKinstry, Russell3033024
McWilliams, Shae23458Spiller, Diana12341117
Giovinazzo, Linda26412Burton, Lorraine635260
Niles, Jack28414Durant, Olivia1935361
Wood, Betsey31416Russell, Stella3731997
Steenhuis, Quinten32369Thompson, Celia Dayrit3430762
Prince, Jackie33405Dubach, Joev132580
Gaudier, Deborah35432Rothbart, Sam2434290
Sharma, Puneet36410Lutts, Tim2939812

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