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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 13 Scores

Dubach, Joev1409Constantine, Brett338326
Burton, Lorraine6399Niles, Jack28255144
Ubeika, Shelley7505Mullholand, Kath14270235
Konipol, Nancy8401Davis, Thomas1838615
Fonti, Jim9444Spiller, Diana1239351
Seetharam, Prashanth11394Lezin, Katya1034153
Finn, Marshall16428Lutts, Tim2941513
Morris, Justin17439Cohen, Jo Anne5327112
Durant, Olivia19367Kester, Barb2733532
Rosenthal, Rob20378Sharma, Puneet3635523
Oliva, Linda21354Hunter, Pamela3931935
McWilliams, Shae23450Gaudier, Deborah3537080
Rothbart, Sam24445Wittman, Dianne224369
Pitzer, Wilma25400Mahnken, Denise15234166
Giovinazzo, Linda26424Gauthier, Helena440123
McKinstry, Russell30398Steenhuis, Quinten32285113
Wood, Betsey31431Sinanan, Lilla238249
Prince, Jackie33375Wancel, Linda1331065
Thompson, Celia Dayrit34380Serino, Steve3829585
Russell, Stella37475Conti, Jane4038689

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