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2011 Boston Area Tournament Newcomers

High Losses

4432433BPleasants, Rachel (#8)Greenberg, Morris (#1)
2394412AParisi, Betty (#2)Vasquez, Janice (#12)
3374380AParisi, Betty (#2)Klopper, Aron (#4)
3370397AGonzales, Steven (#7)Shea, Stephen (#13)
4368411AKraus, Marvin (#3)Klopper, Aron (#4)
2363379BMcCarthy, Evan (#11)Gonzales, Steven (#7)
3360362AChoslovsky, Marla (#5)Kraus, Marvin (#3)
4355357AChoslovsky, Marla (#5)Vasquez, Janice (#12)
5355375AChoslovsky, Marla (#5)Gonzales, Steven (#7)
1354376BHeld, Alyssa (#9)McCarthy, Evan (#11)
2353423BShea, Stephen (#13)Kraus, Marvin (#3)
2348387BVan Riper, Eric (#10)Greenberg, Morris (#1)
4335365BHeld, Alyssa (#9)Van Riper, Eric (#10)
2330363AKlopper, Aron (#4)Pleasants, Rachel (#8)
1317452BVasquez, Janice (#12)Kraus, Marvin (#3)
4316373BShea, Stephen (#13)McCarthy, Evan (#11)
5315349BPleasants, Rachel (#8)McCarthy, Evan (#11)
4314367AParisi, Betty (#2)Gonzales, Steven (#7)
3314410BMcCarthy, Evan (#11)Greenberg, Morris (#1)
1313325BPleasants, Rachel (#8)Choslovsky, Marla (#5)

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