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2011 Boston Area Tournament

Division P Average Scores

1 431.14 5.0- 9.0+342Clinchy, Evans (P12)
2 428.21 8.0- 6.0+338Edley, Joe (P7)
3 420.86 9.5- 4.5+365OLaughlin, John (P10)
4 418.21 7.0- 7.0+14Cappelletto, Brian (P1)
5 416.64 7.0- 7.0-97Appel, Scott (P3)
6 416.00 5.0- 9.0+56Koenig, David (P8)
7 413.43 7.0- 7.0+42Anderson, Will (P15)
8 413.21 9.0- 5.0+450Logan, Adam (P2)
9 412.14 8.0- 6.0-13Gabriel, Marty (P9)
10 411.36 8.0- 6.0+330Mallick, Joey (P5)
11 404.93 9.0- 5.0+126Robinsky, Rob (P13)
12 403.71 7.0- 7.0+40Luebkemann, John (P11)
13 403.64 6.0- 8.0-133Sherman, Joel (P4)
14 400.64 7.5- 6.5+12Weinstein, Ian (P6)
15 382.71 5.0- 9.0-747Odom, Lisa (P14)
16 365.43 4.0-10.0-1125Chakrabarti, Amit (P16)

This report was generated by tsh version 3.320. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.