New England School SCRABBLE® Championship
12 May 2001
page 1

From the podium to registration.

Students watching Plumfield's Stephen Dalton and Anne Koza (2000 Massachusetts School SCRABBLE® Champs)
playing their coach Janet Koza.

Plumfield's team for this year: Matt Dalton & Jay Pension.

Anne and Stephen playing their coach.

This year's participants oohing and ahhing over the game as it progresses.

Staff volunteer Ellen Miller helps sell Word Gear items.
Available for purchase at:

A-L registration table staff: Diana Spiller, Emma Van Pelt, Cindy McCaffery, and Merrilyn Reeves.

M-Z registration table staff: Jeanne Freebody and Nancy DeLuca. Note the crowd of students around
the demonstration game in the background!

The room never looked this tidy again!

Head Word Judge Gregg Foster.
