New England School SCRABBLE® Championship
12 May 2001
page 10

A surprise: John Williams presents Sherrie Saint John with an award that says,
"In appreciation for your dedication to the School SCRABBLE® Program."
The same award was presented to Gregg Foster (sorry no photo!)

John Van Pelt talking about the difficulty of picking a winner of the Sportsmanship Award from the 23
entries. This award was created at the last minute when John offered his original artwork: it
appeared in a Christian Science Monitor article about SCRABBLE® a few years ago.

John presenting the framed original to Allyson Six and Melissa Cloutier of Birch Hill Elementary in
Nashua, NH. Their opponents nominated them, because after they lost round 4 (having only one win
under their belt), they said, "Good game" and shook their opponents' hands. Birch Hill ended the event
with a 1-4 record, but they demonstrated there is more than one way to be a winner!

NSA Educational Consultant Ben Loiterstein and NSA Executive Director John D. Williams flank the 3rd place
Nicholas Silverman & Jeremy Shiman, the Runkle School Red team from Brookline, MA. Two points of interest:
Nick was one of the 1998 Massaschusetts School SCRABBLE® champions and Ben was his coach that year
and this year!

Coach Linda Kane and NSA Executive Director John D. Williams flank the 2nd place Donald Levin and Anna Nickolich,
the Clark School Red team from Danvers, MA.

Coach Mark Fidler and NSA Executive Director John D. Williams with the New England School SCRABBLE® Champions:
Leland Fidler & Matt Dinger, the BB&N Upper School team from Cambridge, MA.
