New England School SCRABBLE® Championship
12 May 2001
page 8

Jeanne Freebody and John Van Pelt quickly getting the results onto the charts so they could
return the player cards before the round ended.

Facing off at board 1 in the final round: Boston Latin (Zack Cronin & Will Tao) vs. BB&N Upper School
(Leland Fidler & Matt Dinger). Both teams were undefeated going into this game.

Board 2's Clark School Red (Anna Nickolich & Donald Levin) vs. William H. Lincoln School
(Pranav Nanda & Rob Lewis). Both teams were undefeated going into this game.

Board 3's Runkle School Red (Nicholas Silverman & Jeremy Shiman) vs. ?. Runkle entered this round with
one loss to the BB&N team at board 1 and their opponents were undefeated until this round.

Board 1's Boston Latin shuffles tiles.

Board 1 scorekeeping.

Richard Buck makes an adjudication with Scott Appel in the background. The players kept the word judges hopping!

Coaches, parents, siblings, and friends eagerly await the results.
