The 12th Matchups Open SCRABBLE® Tournament
Radisson Hotel (formerly the Harley Hotel)
Enfield, Connecticut
November 19-21, 1999

Many Prizes including Money Prizes for Winners in All Categories

Tournament Organizers: Judy Horn--Director of Club #108, Lexington MA
4 Summit Drive #005, Reading MA 01867
(781) 942-7471, e-mail: jhornx2@aol.com

Sherrie Saint John--NSA Advisory Board Member, CGP Administrator
2 Tanglewood Road, Manchester-by-the-Sea MA 01944
(978) 526-7876, e-mail: saint@pobox.com

Web page: http://thirdisland.com/tourneys

The Tournament: This tournament is open to teams of four players. The average rating of the players on a team must be under 1900 as of the November 1, 1999 rating list. Expert teams will average 1900-1701; Intermediate teams, 1700-1501; and Novice teams, 1500 and below. The organizers reserve the right to assign teams to higher divisions in exceptional cases. There will be limited interplay between divisions.

Note that this is not a consultation tournament. Each match will consist of two teams playing four separate games: first board (the highest rated player) on one team plays first board on the other; second board plays second board, etc. The team winning three or four games wins the match; a two-two split is a tie. There are special prizes for the best individual performances on first, second, third, and fourth boards.

Teams may be made up of people from the same club or across the country. There will be a prize for best team name. If you can't find four players for a team, contact Judy or check our Web page (see address above) for a listing of people who want to join teams.

Web page: Our Web page, http://thirdisland.com/tourneys, will be maintained by Sherrie Saint John. All registered teams will be listed, as well as individuals who are looking for teams and partial teams that need one or two more players. People seeking roommates will also be listed, as will FAQs and commentary.

Hotel Arrangements: We return to Enfield CT to the Radisson Hotel, formerly the Harley Hotel where many past Team Tournaments have been held. The hotel has been extensively renovated. Hotel rates are $69 per room, single or double, per night. This is a no-frills rate which does not include taxes, tips, or breakfasts. Call the Radisson at (860) 741-2211 to make your reservations. Be sure to mention the SCRABBLE® tournament to get this rate. The restaurant will be open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Free shuttle service from Bradley Airport is available by prior arrangement. If you need a roommate, tell Judy or check Web page (see address above).

Directions: From I-91 North, Exit 49, bear right off ramp, right at light, immediate right to hotel on left. From I-91 South, Exit 49, left off ramp, right at second light (not including ramp light) to hotel on left.

Registration Fee: There is a $180 ($45 pp) non-refundable tournament registration fee for each team. This includes the rating fee and $12 toward the ballroom rental fee.


3:00 pm Hospitality rooms open through Sunday.
4:00 pm Hotel Check-in open.
7:00 pm Tournament Registration open.
8:00 pm Tournament Welcome and rules explanation.
8:30 pm SHARP! Tournament begins with rounds 1-3.
9:30 am Tournament continues with rounds 4-6.
12:30 pm Break for lunch.
2:30 pm Rounds 7-9 will be played.
10:00 am Tournament concludes with rounds 10-12.
To 11:00 am Hotel Check-out. We will allow a short break between rounds 10 and 11.
1:45 pm (approximately) Announcement of winners and of our many awards and prizes.

Tournament Registration:
Individuals: If you want to be on a team, contact Judy or check our Web page (see address on reverse side). Do not send a registration form.
Team Captains: Please complete one registration form for your whole team and send one check, or team members' individual checks, made out to Judy Horn, for the total $180 Tournament fee. Send by November 6 to Judy Horn, 4 Summit Drive #005, Reading MA 01867.

The National SCRABBLE® Association (NSA) requires that all tournament players (except first-time attendees) be currently registered as members. You may join, rejoin, or renew at the tournament. Please bring your NSA card or address label from your NSA newsletter.

1998 winning teams:

Expert: Compony Pyknic Intermediate: Hanukah Wilensky Novice: Protyles
Matt Graham Mark Berg Ellen Miller
Matt Laufer Diane Firstman Joan Orvis
Marlon Hill Eric Chaikin Hilda Siegel
Stefan Fatsis Marty Fialkow Concepta Siembab
1998 winning team names (tie vote): Mass-Conn Fusion and Hook and Letter Company

Plan to join us for the 19th Annual Boston Area Tournament March 31-April 2, 2000

Team Registration Form for 1999 Matchups Open

Send by 11/6/99 to: Judy Horn, 4 Summit Drive #005, Reading MA, 01867

Team Name _______________________________ Captain ___________________

Player 1 _______________________________________ NSA# ____________________
Address _______________________________ Apt#____ Phone ___________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Email ____________________
Roommate _____________________________________ $ Enclosed: Registration $____

Player 2 _______________________________________ NSA# ____________________
Address _______________________________ Apt#____ Phone ___________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Email ____________________
Roommate _____________________________________ $ Enclosed: Registration $____

Player 3 _______________________________________ NSA# ____________________
Address _______________________________ Apt#____ Phone ___________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Email ____________________
Roommate _____________________________________ $ Enclosed: Registration $____

Player 4 _______________________________________ NSA# ____________________
Address _______________________________ Apt#____ Phone ___________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Email ____________________
Roommate _____________________________________ $ Enclosed: Registration $____

Total enclosed $____________